Our Learning House began as a small community school and rehabilitation center dedicated to providing a safe and caring learning environment for orphans living with physical disabilities in the Maquanying area of Chaoyang District, Beijing. Since its official inception in 2011, our projects have been gradually expanding in order to help more children. From orphans in orphanages to de facto orphans in society, children in distress, to children left behind in distress in the remote mountains poor area.Currently our projects include: Beijing Our Learning House Home for Children with Special Needs,
Beijing Group education Foster home
Helping Hands Home for Left-behind Children (GanSu)
许多爱心人士作为志愿者为这些社区服务项目提供各种帮助,他们来自于不同的工作领域,如一些国际学校和部分秉承社区服务理念的企业和个人。This initiative is a community service project supported by caring individuals working in various fields, families from The Kindergartens and other international schools, as well as some community minded companies and individuals. 2019年我们在北京市民政局正式注册为民办非营利机构,并且和中华少年儿童慈善救助基金会(CCAFC)合作,这意味着我们现在可以公开募捐以及为企业捐款开具正式免税发票。In 2019 Our Learning House received its official charity registration under the China Charities Aid Foundation for Children (CCAFC). This means that we can now make public collections and issue official tax-deductible invoices for corporate donations.
每个孩子都应有机会获得优质的教育。我们致力于为残障孤儿和偏远山区困境留守儿童儿童提供一个充满爱的学习环境,优质的艺术素养课,丰富的社区融合活动等。使他们在幼年可以获得知识和技能, 培养生活能力,身心健康发展,从而拥有一个有意义的人生。All children deserve the opportunity to receive quality education. We are committed to providing a loving learning environment for orphans with disabilities and children left behind in difficult circumstances in remote mountainous areas, quality art and literacy classes, and enriching community integration activities, so that they can acquire knowledge and skills, develop life skills in their early years, and have a meaningful and purposeful life.
从2011年仁育苑成立以来,已有300位特需儿童在这里毕业,其中和福利院合作有将近200名被国内外家庭收养,其他均进入了普通学校学习。许多困境特需儿童家庭也因此走出困境,父母获得喘息机会,享受正常化的生活。目前仁育苑共有20个孩子,年龄从2岁到12岁不等。他们均是因为各种原因无法进入普通幼儿园和小学的孩子。试想一下如果残障的孩子不能接受教育,连生活都不能自理,他们很可能将是社会的负担。Since our founding in 2011, Our Learning House has had 300 children graduate, nearly 200 of them have been adopted by foreign families and the rest have entered regular schools. Currently the school has 20 children from 2 years old to 12 years old. Without the opportunity to attend Our Learning House, many of these children would not have had access to any education and their chances of adoption would have been greatly reduced. If the children cannot take care of themselves and do not have the opportunity to receive an education, they would likely become a burden on society.
Since the Left-Behind Children Project started in 2016, we have established cooperative assistance with primary schools in two regions in GanSu province. Already nearly 500 children have benefited. At present, a mutual aid hand children's home has been set up in a remote mountainous area in Tianshui, Gansu. It provides education assistance and artistic literacy classes for poor left-behind children, paying attention to their mental health and not leaving a child behind. Help the teaching sites on the mountain, establish a model kindergarten classroom, and provide lunches for children.
Left behind children’s mutual and home project
留守儿童项目自2016年开始,我们先后和甘肃两个贫困地区的学校建立了合作帮扶。已经有将近500名孩子受益。目前在甘肃天水一个偏远的山区设立了互助之手学习中心,以此为辐射,为贫困特需留守儿童等提供助学,艺术素养课等,关注他们的心理健康,不让一位孩子掉队。帮扶山上教学点,建立幼儿示范教室,为山上教学点孩子提供免费午餐等。支持学校开设艺术社团等。Since the Left-Behind Children Project started in 2016, we have established cooperative assistance with primary schools in two regions in GanSu province. Already nearly 500 children have benefited.At present, a children's home for mutual help has been set up in a remote mountainous area of Tianshui City, Gansu Province to provide students, artistic literacy classes, etc. for left-behind children in distress, pay attention to their mental health, and prevent a child from falling behind. Help mountain teaching points, establish demonstration classrooms for children, and provide free lunch for children in mountain teaching points, etc.
仁育苑2019年在北京市民政局注册,同年和中华儿慈会合作立项,具备公开募捐资格。OLH has been successfully registered as a non-profit enterprise. Now we can fundraise directly from the public with CCAFC.
In 2020, we passed the annual review of the Civil Affairs Bureau.我们致力于通过仁育苑这个项目为北京及其他偏远山区更多的残障孤儿和留守儿童提供帮助。为了做到这一点,作为一个非营利组织,我们需要在财务上可持续发展。这意味着我们依靠个人和企业的捐款来提供孩子们所需的品质服务。We endeavor to help more children through Our Learning Houses in Beijing and beyond. In order to do this, we need to be financially sustainable as a registered non-profit. This means we rely on donations from individuals and corporations to be able to provide the quality services that our students need.
如需了解更多信息请与我们联系,或者通过邮件info@ourlearninghouse.cn 或电话联系010-84302071,13611262572(微信手机同号)联系人:韩老师。For more information you may follow us on we chat or contact with Hannah Tang via :email: info@ourlearninghouse.cntelephone 010-8430-2071,13611262572